agglomeration.png agglomeration-association reblogged
deactivated.png ecnoyeb99

so im in college right now and because of that im gonna make a post/reblog chain thing for talking about college shit

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im supposed to have four roommates but the other two havent even shown up? idk whats goin on lmao.

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why is my english professor kinda racist?

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anyway to elaborate on the english professor: my english professor is putting everyone in like groups that will last the entire year and well do everything as a group project but she said pretty much “You’re not allowed to switch teams. There was this mexican guy, and this racist guy. They were randomly selected to be together, and they failed, because they couldn’t settle their differences.” like i dont think you should enable that whats up with that

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also on top of that weird proffessor theres this girl named kate in my english class whos like really weird? our professor put us in the same group and shes like constantly bragging about shit shes done. its really annoying.

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so the dining hall needs meal swipes to get into then its buffet style but my school didnt give out physical cards this year theyre just doing mobile id but my fuckin phone doesnt have an NFC thing so now i cant even eat lunch.

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the school put on like a club fair and i was stuck talking to some guy at one of the club booths because he was handing out fliers and i wanted to be polite but at the same time the club wasnt relevant to me like at all because of my major and i got stuck talking to him for a good 20 minutes.

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my roommate is obsessed with cryptography he keeps ranting about vinegarette ciphers and shit like that. its really annoying and i wish i got a less talkative roommate.

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its like a week later but more weird college shit. a few of my classmates (same class as the racist teacher) havent been showing up. i mean like wtf this is one of the most expensive private universities in the country wtf are you doing just not showing up thats such a waste of money.

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Okay, now I’m really worried. My roommate wasn’t in class today and he isn’t even at my dorm now. Ignore the “quirky owo college is WeIrD” part of this thread, where the fuck are my classmates going. Are they fucking dead? Around three people have gone missing at this point.

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I’ve been investigating, and I found the roommates of the other people who went missing, Earl and Jay. They haven’t seen their roommates either. If any of you go to Golden State University, look the fuck out for this. Something REALlY BAD is going on.

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Okay, update, and I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CRAZY, but I was trying to finish this writing project I had with Kate, and she told me the EXACT same stuff about cryptography my roommate was telling me earlier.

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I feel like I’m fucking crazy, like I’m a fucking conspiracy theorist here. A couple days ago, Kate told me “Yeah! My mom actually owns this sky diving company.” I go to look online, NOPE! That company, WAS OWNED BY EARL’S ROOMMATE’S PARENTS. Is she. Is she kidnapping people and then pretending to have lived their life? Why would you do that. She’s not even hiding it, if she IS responsible for this. Does she want us to know. DOES SHE WANT US TO KNOW?

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Well, one of our other roommates is going to show up in a bit apparently, so at least he’s not missing. That’s good.

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I can’t be in the same dorm as Kate. How did she get here?! Does she know that I know? That’s the only explanation, right? She knows that I know she’s kidnapping people. It must be, right?!

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Half of the fucking class is missing. Even the professor has vanished.

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Gang where’s OP they haven’t posted in weeks.

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W-why is OP deactivated?

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Hey so I know OP irl, I was Jay. Tim (name of OP) went missing after this post. By the time Tim went missing, me and the other classmates were either going back to our houses each night, or sharing a dorm with everyone else to avoid getting abducted. It was really crowded, but nobody from our class went missing after that, so it seems to have worked. Anyway, the semester ended with a massive confrontation, and Earl ended up pushing Kate off of the roof of the dorm. When we went down to check and see if she was still alive, she wasn’t there. But everyone else was. Instead of her body being there, there was a massive pile of rotting corpses. Some of them were our classmates. Most of them weren’t. They had all been hollowed out. Their insides were completely gone, and only the skin remained. Some of the bodies dated back years, but all of them were linked to missing students at GSU. It was horrifying. The university shut down for like three weeks because of it.

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evilmario.png evil-mario

I will always reblog this

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World Heritage Post